Ask the Student Six - Asks 31 - 40

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I'm not the author of all of those comics.
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  • Ask #31
    Smolder: Beats me. I’m busy studying.

    Sandbar: Studying the underside of your eyelids perhaps.

    Ocellus: Shhh. Professor Applejack is talking

    Yona: Why Hippogriff so confused. Makes sense to Yak

    Silverstream: Yona! Please tell me what they mean!

    Yona: … Yona forgot the question. Was too long and weird

    Gallus: *facedesk*
  • Ask #32
    Sandbar: Wait, You met Princess Luna in your dreams??

    Smolder: It was probably just that. A dream.

    Ocellus: Oh no - Princess Luna is widely known to appear in many ponies dreams to help them free of any emotional distress.

    Yona: So Griffon was having nightmares?

    Silverstream: You poor thing! *cuddles Gallus*

    Gallus: Oy. Gerroff *flails*
  • Ask #33
    Ocellus: Did I miss a test! Oh no! B-but wait. It said I passed it. I’m so confused!

    Gallus: Woah woah. Why the freak-out Ocellus?

    Silverstream: Come on Ocellus! You’ll wear a grove into the floor if you keep pacing like that.

    Yona: Why changeling got-

    Smolder: *smacks* Shhh…

    Sandbar: I’m pretty sure you’ve missed nothing, Ocellus.
  • Ask #34
    Ocellus: C-can Professor Maud really talk to rocks?

    Yona: Rockpony Rocks! Yak Rocks!

    Gallus: She’s on another Geology rampage!

    Silverstream: I wonder if we can teach him tricks. Here boy! Come to Auntie Silvey!

    Smolder: Great. I hope Gems aren’t also sentient.
  • Ask #35
    Gallus: Sneaky yak

    Smolder: Annoyed you didn't think of nabbing that Trophy sooner?

    Ocellus: But… I’m confused. Surely that means you’re a paradox Yona

    Sandbar: That pretty much sums her up.

    Silverstream: Can I be second best Yak?

    Yona: Yona will think about it.
  • Ask #36
    Yona: Yona not scared of Lamp-ponies!

    Gallus: They’re Vampponies

    Ocellus: Vamp? They like to play Jazz?

    Smolder: It means they drink blood

    Silverstream: *squeaks*

    Sandbar: I think I’d prefer the Jazz…
  • Ask #37
    Ocellus: S-stop gawking at me, Sandbar!

    Silverstream: He must be in love. he’s not taken his eyes off you since you brought him back to the dorm

    Gallus: Looks more like shock to me.

    Smolder: If he doesn’t make it through the night, can we get his stuff?

    Yona: Yak calls dibs on hair products!

    Sandbar: Mreeble. T-two…
  • Ask #38
    Smolder: Wow. That was a busy day

    Ocellus: Yeah! I can’t wait to get started on all this homework for Professor Applejack

    Sandbar: Isn’t her homework just a “yes” and “no” answer to “Are they telling the truth”?

    Yona: Best type of quiz!

    Silverstream: Hey guys… I feel like we’ve forgotten something

    Smolder: Wait… Where’s Gallus?
  • Ask #39
    Silverstream: Aww! That’s not nice Ocellus!

    Ocellus: D-don’t blame me! I’m reading Sandbars script thingy

    Sandbar: Well I never thought anyone would go down such an obvious trap-laden dead-ended corridor.

    Yona: *sniffs*

    Smolder: Got to give her credit. She did manage to bypass most of the obstacles before the pit.

    Gallus: Not too much credit. She did just roll a 20 on “Yak Smashes Trap” eleven times in a row.
  • Ask #40
    Silverstream: WE HIT 400 FOLLOWERS!!!

    Sandbar: Woah! That was quick.

    Pinkie Pie: Not just 400! But 40 posts! We hit our second Post-milestone! Well done guys and girls!

    Ocellus: Eep! Where did she come from

    Gallus: You’re really questioning her at this point

    Pinkie Pie: Gallywally is right! Don’t question the Pinkie. Let me take this opportunity to thank each of you amazing fillies, colts, mares and stallions (and every other creature!) for keeping our students company over the last month!

    Gallus: Never call me that again.

    Smolder: She will. Trust me.

    Yona: Student Six Best!

    Silverstream: Wait. Who are the Student Six?

    Ocellus: Is no one going to explain how our photo of us in our Nightmare Night costumes is suddenly out there for everyone to see?

    Pinkie Pie: YT Ooooh! Look! I found something Shiny! Click me! Click me!