My Rational Pony - Pages 51 - 60

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.
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  • The bias appears as a tendency of people to overestimate their ability to control impulsive behavior. Several addictions can appear due to this.

    Also it can be connected to overconfidence in general.
    51. Restraint Bias
  • Actions can be blamed or praised depending on the result and random factors which have influence on the result. The effect can be connected to the illusion of control because the agent's level of influence is overestimated.
    52. Moral Luck
  • People usually tend to remember their past choices as better ones than these choices actually were. These past choices can also have influence on current decisions.
    53. Choice-Supportive Bias
  • The inability to spot substantial changes is called change blindness. It may happen across saccades, blinks, movie cuts, and other interruptions.
    54. Change Blindness
  • People tend to overestimate the extent to which their beliefs are typical or common of those of others. Therefore an illusion appears that there is a consensus.
    55. False-Consensus Effect
  • It is a cognitive bias that occurs when a proposal is devalued if it appears to originate from an antagonist.
    56. Reactive Devaluation
  • The bandwagon effect is characterized by the probability of individual adoption of a belief increasing with respect to the proportion of people who have already done so.
    57. Bandwagon Effect
  • This dilemma can be used as a model for many real world situations involving cooperative behavior. It is usually described in details in game theory and decision theory texts.
    58. Prisoner's Dilemma
  • Selective perception is the tendency to not notice and more quickly forget stimuli that causes emotional discomfort and contradicts our prior beliefs.
    59. Selective Perception
  • Egocentric bias can influence perceived fairness: people feel that overpayment to themselves were more fair than overpayment to others. Also this bias is related to the false-consensus effect.
    60. Egocentric Bias