A Walk in ToonTown

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.

A Walk in ToonTown

AppleStixTime's description (Author)

AppleStixTime is a US artist.
You can follow him on NewsGround NewsGround and Twitter @XerxAppleStix and support him on Patreon Patreon.

Comic description

ToonTown is not the same place as you remember from your childhood. Unlike the movie, "Who Framed Roger Rabbit," and the book, "Who Censored Roger Rabbit," ToonTown has become a place of underground chaos better suited as “Hell on Earth.” Toons struck with poverty due to the abandonment of their original creators are driven to riot, loiter, scavenge, and scrounge for what they could salvage in their destitute environment. Many seek retribution, justices, and redemption from the artists who abandon them while others make the most of what they have before they fade away from memory, thus disappearing from existence on their own accord. Some Toons (most of the popular Disney characters) live better than the rest due to their retirement plan, but even they can’t escape the damage done unto them brought on by the artists and themselves. The story revolves more on the Warner Siblings from the Animaniacs and the majority of the characters that took part in that particular show. While Yakko, Wakko, and Dot go through an attention-starved life, within ToonTown, two rebellions rise to attempt to gain control over the Toons whether for better or worse. One group rebelling against their animations studios above; the second group rebelling against a lead Toon under the alias, “the Plagiarizer.” The three siblings must uncover the mystery of the two rebel groups while maintaining what little life is given to them before they ultimately disappear.

I have the permission from the author.



