Prolonged Dream

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.

Other comics by


Other comics by

Nguyễn Phạm Phước Thiên

Other comics by


Prolonged Dream

[en] [vie] 

Nguyễn Phạm Phước Thiên's description (Manager & sketches)

DA Nguyễn Phạm Phước Thiên is a Vietnamese artist.

Discordwizard's description (Story writer)

DA Discordwizard is a Vietnamese artist.

Silly-Pie-Art's description (Coloring)

DA Silly-Pie-Art is a Vietnamese artist.

Comic description

After many years of personal solitude, Princess Luna try to create her own assistant.

You can browse this comic in the DA DA gallery

I have the permission from the author.



