
I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.

Other comics by



Yogfan's description (Author)

DA Yogfan is a US artist.
You can support her on Patreon Patreon and follow on Derpibooru Derpibooru, redbubble Redbubble, Youtube Yoube channel, colorslive ColorsLive, Tumble Tumblr and on wattpad Wattpad

Comic description

A failed spell leads to chaos.
The clans vanish, the wolves turn to stone, Minecraftia vanishes, and Hyrule and Equestria switch.
Now Equestria's Elements of Harmony have connected to 6 new beings, all of whom do not remember ever living in Hyrule nor much of their real past.
When strange happenings start occuring, the 6 must unite to defeat Discord, but at a price - They are told the truth about their real selves, and they all soon realize... They do not belong in Equestria.

I have the permission from the author.



