Them's Fightin' Herds
V-Nico's description (Story & lineart)
V-Nico is a Brazilian artist.
AlexDTI's description (Coloring)
AlexDTI is an Italian artist.
Comic description
Let the fight begin
I have the permission from the author.
- Category
- The story is an adventure Adventure Search other comics with this keyword
- Comics with war and/or fights. War / Fight Search other comics with this keyword
- Characters
- Them's Fightin' Herds
Arizona is a calf, chosen as the Prairie's champion. Arizona Search other comics with this keyword
Oleander is a unicorn and the self-proclaimed champion of The Woodlands. Oleander Search other comics with this keyword
- Them's Fightin' Herds
- Theme
Them's Fightin' Herds is an indie fighting game developed by Mane6 and published by Modus Games. It features a cast of ungulate characters fighting each other to find a champion worthy of gaining a magical key that will protect their world from predators. Them's Fightin' Herds Search other comics with this keyword
- Universe
Comics based on a video game. Video game Search other comics with this keyword