News - 🎂 🍰 Sixth birthday 🍰 🎂

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.

< 🎂 🍰 Sixth birthday 🍰 🎂 >

Added on Feb. 15 Tue. 2022 at 15:30
Happy Birthday CanterlotComics.

Like the previous year, the website don't change much.

The list of objectives from the previous year :
  1. ✅ Finish the keyword feature
  2. ⏳ Finish the hardware migration to enhance the performance of the server and maintenance
  3. ❌ Update the graphic theme of the website
  4. ❌ Have a team to help to maintain the website
The keyword feature is now up, need some descriptions to be check, some sorting and so on, but the feature is here and with it a new search page that can be enhanced later.
The hardware migration is still ongoing, working on it on the flow of the years.
And the 2 last are completely missed.

During one year passed, the number of page added per week drastically hit the floor (around 90 per week, mainly for the updates) :
Graphic of page added per week

I also hope to make the Discord more active, but I'm not very good at it, mostly not have not the time to do and also the lack of idea doesn't help on that.
Just as reminder, on this Discord you can have :
  • All news
  • All comic updates
  • Some exclusives news/fast news (I rarely add one)
  • Discuss about comics and artworks
I know I have to set the the objectives for the year, but I don't hope so much anymore on succeed on all of this, so I'll try to :
  1. Enhanced the search page to make it more useful (search by comic name, chapter name, artist name, ...)
  2. Finish the hardware migration to enhance the performance of the server and maintenance
  3. Update the graphic theme of the website
  4. Have a team to help to maintain the website
The same objectives plus one, no promises, but I will try.
Thank you for reading this and stay update with the weekly news :)