La Fumetta

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.


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La Fumetta

Chibi91's description (Graphic)

Derpibooru Derpibooru is an artist.

LillayFran's description (Art?)

DA LillayFran is an Italian artist.
You can also see her work on Derpibooru Derpibooru.

Selyte's description (Art?)

DA Selyte is an Italian artist.
You can also see her work on Derpibooru Derpibooru, FurAffinity, Telegram Telegram, Twitter @LunaPiuma, Picarto Picarto, Twitch Twitch, Personal website Personal website or buy him a Ko-fi Ko-fi.

SiryMcGregor's description (Art)

Derpibooru SiryMcGregor is an artist.

StePandy's description (Art?)

DA StePandy is an Italian artist.
You can support her on Patreon Patreon and follow her Extern blog, MatureFurAffinity FurAffinity and Picarto Picarto.

Comic description

"La Fumetta" è un fumetto collettivo realizzato da me e dalle mie amiche e collaboratrici della "The Lion King ITALIA" community.

I have the permission from the author.

