News - W2017-21

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.

< W2017-21 >

Added on May 28 Sun. 2017 at 17:30

This week, I add 16 comics (represent 63 chapters and 531 pages (with a mean time of 8-10 seconds per page without the management time) ) in only 3 days.
So now, I have a publication planning full until 2017-06-29.
It's seems hight and far away, but I send the requests and reminder by batch, so sometimes, I can manage to smooth the addition, but, especially when I'm on job rest, I can add more than usual.

I also set all of my websites on HTTPS, just to be up to date.

This week, 9 comics are released (in the publication order) :