Twotail story - Pages 1 - 10

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Twotail story
[english]  [russian] 
Pages 1 - 10
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  • Page 1
  • Gear: Oh, this year the fair much more than usual. How to find everything here that I need?
    Page 2
  • Сlutchlock: Mate, how about you take some time off and go get a beer with me? (Приятель, ты не против взять перерыв и пойти выпить со мной пива?)
    Libra-windrunner: Wanna grab some coffee and sweets at Sugarcube Corner? (Хочешь взять немного кофе и конфет из Сахарного Уголка?)
    Gear: No, I’m busy right now, maybe later.(Нет, я сейчас занят, возможно позже.)

    Bustor: Alien artifacts! There are all starting from the soil samples of the planet Sirius system to generators of everything Sowers! Do not pass!

    Gear: How much does it cost?
    Trader: I have no idea what it is, so take away for free.

    Queenie: Gear ! Hi, I was just looking for you. What are you doing here?
    Gear: Hi Queenie! Well umm, I came here for supplies …
    Look what I found , I do not know what it is , but I think it’s something like an energy storage device , I think I ‘ll get something out of it …
    Queenie: That’s interesting. Have you already decided where to stay for the night?
    Can you shelter me ?
    Queenie: Yep.
    Page 3
  • Gear: You live far away?
    Queenie: No, not really, we soon arrive. So you do not know what this crystal is?
    Gear: No idea, but it definitely does not from Equestria. I do not quite understand in the crystals, but how It is mounted look like a detail.
    I think we can look for something about it in the library.
    Queenie: Yeah. By the way we have come.
    Gear: A nice place you have here, I’m sorry that I had to ask you about that and so, I think it is not right and…
    Page 4
  • Gear: Here, there must be something that we’re looking for.
    Queenie: Only here the pages that we need, torn out.
    Twilight: I hadn’t read this book, I’m sorry that it happened, I think there is a copy in Canterlot.
    Queenie: Come on, don’t get upset so much!
    Gear: Storm is going to…
    Queenie: Oh, yeah, but that pegasus promised sun … And it will be strong.
    Gear: What an unlucky day!
    Page 6
  • Two: Interesting. Canterlot you say, maybe I will visit it.

    I know we saw such things before.
    Gear: Yep, but that is first time when we have it in our hooves, and I can’t tell anything about it.
    Two: Well, time to go sleep, we will discuss this tomorrow.
    Two: GEAR!
    Gear! Bring the gun here!!!
    Page 7
  • *crackle… bang*
    Twotail: GEAR!!!
    Gear: Yes, I’m running!
    *BANG!!!* wurrrr
    Gear: Get out from our home!!!
    Page 8
  • Gear: How are you?
    Queenie: Something is wrong with her, she does not talk!
    Gear: It is necessary to put glasses on her.
    Twotail: Thank you, sorry...
    Queenie: GEAR!
    Gear: Wonderful, now I need to repair stairs too...
    (On the morning)
    Twotail: I think it is what you need, compact and powerful enough.
    Gear: Two, I finished there. Have ideas what to do with wrecks of night guest?
    Twotail: Well...
    Page 9
  • Angel Heart: I suggest to put some traps if you have problem with night guests, usually this works. Maybe this will be helpful.
    Twotail: Hm, this is not bad idea.
    Queenie: I think they are similar.
    Gear: yea...
    Night: Hey, I heard you in library, I have book you looking for... Maybe it will help you?
    Queenie: Hmm, there are no pages that we need too.
    Night: What? Damn.
    Twotail: OUCH!
    Gear: Two! Everything alright?
    Hearty: Two?
    Twotail: Yea-yea... all okay, we need to walk with you to the train... ouch ouch ouch it hurts.
    Page 10
Twotail story
[english]  [russian] 
Pages 1 - 10