Crimson Flag

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.

Other comics by

Tod Wills

Other comics by


Crimson Flag

Tod Wills's description (Pencils (pages 1 - 116))

Tod Wills is an artist.

Virmir's description (Color (pages 1 - 116) and Art (pages 117+) and Story)

DA Virmir is a US artist.
You can visit his websites for his Extern comics, his Extern personal space, Extern all art he made and the Extern official Crimson Flag comic website.

Comic description

Crimson Flag is a fantasy furry action/adventure (semi-) medieval-themed webcomic about two races of anthropomorphic foxes that don't quite get along.
The Red Reyn (red foxes) conquered Reynland long ago, and the Grays (gray foxes) found themselves owing fidelity to a crown no longer their own.
Regardless, peace followed for many a year after the long war.
Until of course, someone had a brilliant plan.

You can buy the book of this comic Extern here.

I have the permission from the author.

