Desert flame
JasonKim338's description (Author)
JasonKim338 is a South Korean artist.
You also can visit his Derpibooru gallery.
You also can visit his Derpibooru gallery.
Comic description
Long time ago, in the middle of the desert, there was an unicorn who could weaponize fire.
Everyone called him "God of Flame".
Everyone called him "God of Flame".
I have the permission from the author.
- Category
- The story is an adventure Adventure Search other comics with this keyword
- Comics with only one chapter. One chapter Search other comics with this keyword
- Characters
Require Javascript OC Search other comics with this keyword
- Theme
- My Little Pony
- MLP Friendship Is Magic Generation 4 Search other comics with this keyword
- My Little Pony
- Universe
My Little Pony franchise by Hasbro My Little Pony Search other comics with this keyword