Flaky Werewolf Story
Mariana's description (Author)
Comic description
Flaky was surprised by 2 wolfs fighting, hopfully, one of them save him.
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- Category
- Comics with action scenes Action Search other comics with this keyword
- Comics not for fillies.
* : Non safe for fillies, is case no other better choice in the list.
* : Comics with clear sexual representation or exposure
* : Comics suggest sexual through
* : Comics with blood or fight with too many details NSFW Search other comics with this keyword
- Characters
- Happy Tree Friends
Cuddles is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends, and is the main protagonist in the show, along with Giggles, Toothy, and Lumpy. Cuddles Search other comics with this keyword
Disco Bear is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends. He's also a premium character in Deadeye Derby. Disco Bear Search other comics with this keyword
Flaky is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends and a playable character in the False Alarm video game and Deadeye Derby. Flaky Search other comics with this keyword
Flippy is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends, its spin-off series, Ka-Pow!, and a playable character in the False Alarm video game, along with being the final boss of Deadeye Derby. Flippy Search other comics with this keyword
Fliqpy is the main antagonist of Happy Tree Friends, and the split personality of Flippy. Fliqpy Search other comics with this keyword
Giggles is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends, and one of the four primary characters of the show, along with Cuddles, Toothy, and Lumpy. Giggles Search other comics with this keyword
Lumpy is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends, and one of the four primary characters of the show, along with Cuddles, Giggles, and Toothy. Lumpy Search other comics with this keyword
Petunia is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends. Petunia Search other comics with this keyword
The Mole (or just Mole in later episodes) is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends. The mole Search other comics with this keyword
Toothy is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends, and one of the four primary characters of the show, along with Cuddles, Giggles, and Lumpy. Toothy Search other comics with this keyword
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- Happy Tree Friends
- Universe
Happy Tree Friend Happy Tree Friend Search other comics with this keyword