
I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.

Other comics by


  • [en]Hover (Artist & director)

Other comics by


Other comics by

Trevor Rain


Ignis1163's description (Artist & director)

Derpibooru Ignis1163 is an artist.
You can also follow him on YT Youtube channel, Tumblr Tumblr or on Twitter @Ignis1163.

Korenav's description (Writer)

Twitter Korenav is an artist.
You can also follow her on Tumblr Tumblr and on FimFiction FimFiction.

Trevor Rain's description (Co-writer)

Tb Trevor Rain is an artist.
You can follow him on Twitter @trevorrain1, Youtube Youtube channel, FimFiction FimFiction and on Tb Tumblr.

Comic description

A comic about two small horses (Pango and Wyn) going on adventures learning how to get along with strange people in strange worlds.

I have the permission from the author.

