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I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.


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LpSfSC 0

Snowikus's description (co-writer)

DA Snowikus is a polish artist.
You can visit his Derp Derpibooru profile.

AppleNeedle's description (Art)

DA AppleNeedle is a slovak artist.

Rautamiekka's description (writer, commissioner)

DA Rautamiekka is a Finnish translator.

Comic description

A trio of young mares, each powerful in their own ways, it's again time for Littlepip, Snowi, and Strawberry Cocoa for a joint mercenary job clearing out Raiders and Slavers.
The small mare loves having allies of their caliber, and the other 2 have more fun working as a team.

Another long day of work and the infamously overworking Littlepip is hardly staying awake, so the trio returns to 1 of their furnished hideouts.

I have the permission from the author.



