Tales From Equestria

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
TheBenAlpha finish his Ryoku Verse YCH, here the final result (can you spot Kimi and Chell ? ).
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.

Tales From Equestria

[en] [es] 

CyrilDeRoach's description (Author)

DA CyrilDeRoach is a Croatian artist.
You can also follow him on Derpibooru Derpibooru, VK VK, Twitter @Cyril_DeRoach, Instagram and support him on Patreon Patreon.

Comic description

Twilight Sparkle is dealing with new discovered group of people that call themselves "Black Capes".
Turned out that all of their business is a part of much larger story from Equestrian history that involves The Royal Sisters.

I have the permission from the author.



