The Feud

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.


Other comics by


Other comics by


Other comics by

Hannah Newton

The Feud

TheFeudComic's description (Group)

DA TheFeudComic is a group for the "The feud" comic.

MysterysChannel's description (Story)

MysterysChannel is a US artist.

Hannah Newton's description (Art (some pages only))

DA Hannah Newton is a US artist.

Comic description

The Feud' is a My Little Pony fan comic that takes place in a different universe altogether, where familiar characters take on new personalities and everything is a -little- bit different. Follow the rambunctious adventures of Luna, as she causes mischief and accommodates comrades.

Some pages are drawn by Hannah Newton and other pages are draw by an anonymous artist.

I have the permission from the author.



