The Pizza Pone and the Sea

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
TheBenAlpha finish his Ryoku Verse YCH, here the final result (can you spot Kimi and Chell ? ).
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.

Other comics by


The Pizza Pone and the Sea

MLP-TrailGrazer's description (Art)

DA MLP-TrailGrazer is a US artist.

JasperPie's description (writer, author, publisher)

DA JasperPie is a US artist.
You can visit him YT Youtube channel and support him on Patreon Patreon.

Lightning-Bliss's description (Art)

DA Lightning-Bliss is a US artist.
You can visit her YT Youtube channel, follow her on Twitter @Lightning_Bliss and support her on Patreon Patreon.

Comic description

7 years today, Bloom-Tazza93 and I joined together as boyfriend and girlfriend, and have been together ever since... so in honor of seven years, I wanted to make a special two-part comic celebrating our love.

I have the permission from the author.



