Together Forever

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.


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Lizard & Ferret

Together Forever

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The-last-jennicorn's description (Spellcheck)

DA The-last-jennicorn is US artist.

Light's description (Author)

DA Light is a French artist.
You can follow him on Twitter @Light_artist.

Lizard & Ferret's description (Translator)

vk Lizard & Ferret are Russian translators.
They also have a DA DeviantArt account

Comic description

This prologue take place a short time before the great battle against the 3 Vilains, Cozy Glow, Chrisalis, and Tirek on the season 09. This story is a fanfiction of course and takes place in a multiver. So some story elements will be different of the final of season 9 (and maybe the G5).

I have the permission from the author.

