Ket Thuc cua Ki Le

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
TheBenAlpha finish his Ryoku Verse YCH, here the final result (can you spot Kimi and Chell ? ).
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.

Other comics by


Ket Thuc cua Ki Le

[en] [es] [vie] 

PinkiePieVsub's description (Translator)

DA PinkiePieVsub is a Vietnamese translator.
You can visit his YT Youtube channel.

Dilarus's description (Author)

DA Dilarus is a digital artist working in the brony community since August 2013 and aims to provide quality MLP comics for adult bronies all over the world.

You can follow his Tumblr blogs Tb Southern Belle AJ and Tb Meet the pones.
He manage the Reddit Southernbelleaj SubReddit

You can read all of Southern Belle AJ stories by following Tb this link

If you like his creations, you can visit Patreon his Patreon or buy him a Ko-fi Ko-fi.

Comic description

Closed for the Holidays tells the tale of Pinkie Pie’s first Hearth’s Warming in Ponyville as a young mare.

I need to request the author permission.

