Crisis of the Planes

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
TheBenAlpha finish his Ryoku Verse YCH, here the final result (can you spot Kimi and Chell ? ).
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.

Crisis of the Planes

GatesMcCloud's description (Author)

DA Shea Houser is a US artist.
He also manage the TumblrPrince Orion Tumblr.

All page links redirects you to his DeviantArt gallery.

Comic description

Gates McCloud has suffered great things throughout his life.
The loss of his parents, decades long war, the burden of leadership.
One has stood with him through his suffering, one that has been his rock, his greatest supporter, and greatest ally.
His wife, Fox Faraline McCloud, has been there by his side, standing with him.

But there would come a day when he would lose her.
A day where his world would come crashing down.
With it the crushing weight would begin to take its toll.
With it the cracks would begin to surface.

I have the permission from the author.



