Cutie Mark Crusaders 10k

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Cutie Mark Crusaders 10k

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GatesMcCloud's description (Author)

DA Shea Houser is a US artist.
He also manage the TumblrPrince Orion Tumblr.

All page links redirects you to his DeviantArt gallery.

MSAmber's description (Translator)

Extern MSAmber is a Chilean translator.
You can also find him on Extern Cherry Blossom Gardens and on Extern Pony Latino.

Comic description

Twilight spent her life trying to learn all that there is. In her journey she surrounded herself with friends that aided her in her life long pursuit. She lost that all against chaos. But in the fires of her old life she emerges anew, ever eager to learn and with a new friend that is more than willing to teach.

I have the permission from the author.


  • Category
  • Characters
    • Hasbro
      • My Little Pony
        • Generation 4
          • Antagonists
            • Reformed

            • King Sombra, or simply Sombra, is a male initially-umbrum unicorn, the former tyrannical ruler of the Crystal Empire, and the main antagonist of the season three premiere, the season nine premiere, and the IDW comics' thirteenth story arc and My Little Pony/Transformers II. Princess Celestia tells Twilight Sparkle that he took over the Crystal Empire a thousand years ago but was banished into the frozen north.
              King Sombra Search other comics with this keyword

            • Queen Chrysalis is a female changeling and the main antagonist of the season two finale, the season six finale, the IDW comics' first story arc, Budge Studios' mobile game Harmony Quest, and one of the main antagonists of the season nine finale.
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          • Main characters

            • Pinkie Pie, full name Pinkamena Diane Pie, is a female Earth pony and one of the main characters of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She is an energetic and sociable baker at Sugarcube Corner, where she lives on the second floor with her toothless pet alligator Gummy, and she represents the element of laughter.
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            • Twilight Sparkle is the central main character of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.
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          • Secondary characters

            • Apple Bloom is a female school-age Earth pony and a member of the Apple family. She is the younger sister of Applejack and Big McIntosh and granddaughter of Granny Smith. Apple Bloom is one of the founding members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, a club/"secret" society devoted to helping ponies earn their cutie marks, along with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.
              Apple Bloom Search other comics with this keyword

            • Princess Cadance, full name Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, is a Pegasus-turned-Alicorn pony who is first featured in the season two finale alongside her husband Shining Armor. She is Flurry Heart's mother, Twilight Sparkle's sister-in-law (after marrying Shining Armor) and former foal-sitter, Princess Celestia's adopted niece, and the co-ruler of the Crystal Empire alongside Shining Armor. She is also stated to be "a very distant relative" of Princess Amore, the former unicorn ruler of the Crystal Empire.
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            • Princess Celestia, is an Alicorn pony, the former co-ruler of Equestria alongside her younger sister Princess Luna, and the adoptive aunt of Princess Cadance. In addition to her responsibility of raising the sun, she has also been the teacher of Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer at different periods in time, often addressing Twilight as "my faithful student" while mentoring her. She has a pet phoenix named Philomena.
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            • Princess Luna, known as Nightmare Moon or Night Mare Moon when transformed or under certain other circumstances, is an Alicorn pony, the younger sister of Princess Celestia, and the main antagonist of the season one premiere of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic as Nightmare Moon. She is also the adoptive aunt of Princess Cadance.
              Princess Luna Search other comics with this keyword

            • Scootaloo is a female school-age Pegasus pony. She first appears in Friendship is Magic, part 1, and she is later properly introduced in Call of the Cutie. Scootaloo and her friends, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle form the Cutie Mark Crusaders, a club/"secret society" devoted to helping ponies earn their cutie marks. She is a talented scooter driver.
              Scootaloo Search other comics with this keyword

            • Shining Armor is a male unicorn pony, Twilight Velvet and Night Light's son, Twilight Sparkle's older brother, Princess Cadance's husband, and Flurry Heart's father. He is the former captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard, serving under Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and bears the title of prince as a result of his marriage to Cadance. He and Cadance are appointed as the rulers of the Crystal Empire.
              Shining Armor Search other comics with this keyword

            • Spitfire is a female Pegasus pony and the captain of the aerial acrobatics group, the Wonderbolts.
              Spitfire Search other comics with this keyword

            • Sweetie Belle is a school-age unicorn pony and Rarity's younger sister. She makes her first major appearance in the episode Call of the Cutie. Sweetie Belle and her friends, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, form the Cutie Mark Crusaders, a club/"secret society" devoted to helping ponies earn their cutie marks.
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  • Theme
  • Universe
