Chrysalis's fluttered adventure
HowXu's description (Author)
HowXu is a Taiwanese artist.
Raimundo1941's description (Translator)
Raimundo1941 is a Chilean translator.
Comic description
Queen Chrysalis was kidnapped by Discord and forced to live with Fluttershy and send them in a little adventure.
I have the permission from the author.
- Category
- The story is an adventure Adventure Search other comics with this keyword
- Characters
- Hasbro
- My Little Pony
- Generation 4
- Antagonists
- Reformed
Discord is a male draconequus and former antagonist introduced in the season two premiere. Princess Celestia explains that Discord is the spirit of chaos and disharmony who once ruled over Equestria in a state of unrest and unhappiness, until she and Princess Luna used the Elements of Harmony to imprison him in stone. Discord Search other comics with this keyword
Queen Chrysalis is a female changeling and the main antagonist of the season two finale, the season six finale, the IDW comics' first story arc, Budge Studios' mobile game Harmony Quest, and one of the main antagonists of the season nine finale. Queen Chrysalis Search other comics with this keyword
- Reformed
- Main characters
Fluttershy is a female Pegasus pony and one of the main characters of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She lives in a small cottage near the Everfree Forest and takes care of animals, the most prominent of her charges being Angel the bunny. She represents the element of kindness. Fluttershy Search other comics with this keyword
- Antagonists
- Generation 4
- My Little Pony
- Hasbro
- Theme
- My Little Pony
- MLP Friendship Is Magic Generation 4 Search other comics with this keyword
- My Little Pony
- Universe
My Little Pony franchise by Hasbro My Little Pony Search other comics with this keyword