To Love God - To Love Mortal

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
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To Love God - To Love Mortal

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Loveless Nova's description (Author)

DA Loveless Nova is an artist from Thailand.
You cas also see Patreon his Patreon page.

Raimundo1941's description (Translator)

DA Raimundo1941 is a Chilean translator.

Comic description

To Love God : Are you ready to hurt your beloved?

Princess...Princess, I love you. But I can't love you.
Princess...Princess, You are immortal. I am mortal.
Princess...Princess, When I die you will still be alive.
Princess...Princess, You will hurt by my passing. it might even kill you.
Princess...Princess, I love you, But I don't want to hurt you...
Princess...Princess, please understand, please, forgive me.

To Love Mortal : Are you ready to hurt yourself?

Mortal...Mortal, I love you. But I can't love you.
Mortal...Mortal, You are mortal. I am immortal.
Mortal...Mortal, When you die, I will still be alive.
Mortal...Mortal, Your passing will hurt me. it might even kill me.
Mortal...Mortal, I love you, But...
Mortal...Mortal, Tis Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Mortal...Mortal, I understand you. I forgive you. But I will not release you. I'm ready to hurt myself for short time of happiness with you...

Previous comic To Love Alicorn.

You can browse this comic in the DA DA gallery, and DA the original version

I have the permission from the author.



