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I'm not the author of all of those comics.
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BegGoliah's description (Author)

DA BegGoliah is a US artist.
You can follow him on Twitter @BegGoliah, Twitter @CrusadersFic and on Derpibooru Derpibooru.

Patrikon's description (Translator)

DA Patrikon is a Russian translator.
You can find him on tabun Tabun or vk vk.

Comic description

When a familiar yet different enemy re-emerges in Equestria, three unlikely heroes step up to save ponykind.

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  • Category
  • Characters
    • Hasbro
      • My Little Pony
        • Generation 4
          • Antagonists

            • Cozy Glow is a female school-age Pegasus pony who first appears as a supporting character in the season eight episode Marks for Effort, later becoming the main antagonist of the finale School Raze and one of the main antagonists of the season nine finale The Ending of the End. She has a pink coat, curly light blue mane and tail, scarlet eyes, and a cutie mark of a rook.
              Cozy glow Search other comics with this keyword
          • Background characters
          • Main characters
          • Secondary characters

            • Apple Bloom is a female school-age Earth pony and a member of the Apple family. She is the younger sister of Applejack and Big McIntosh and granddaughter of Granny Smith. Apple Bloom is one of the founding members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, a club/"secret" society devoted to helping ponies earn their cutie marks, along with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.
              Apple Bloom Search other comics with this keyword

            • Gallus is a male griffon and one of the Young Six who first appears in season eight of the show as a student at Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship. In the series finale The Last Problem, he is captain of the Canterlot royal guard years in the future.
              Gallus Search other comics with this keyword

            • Scootaloo is a female school-age Pegasus pony. She first appears in Friendship is Magic, part 1, and she is later properly introduced in Call of the Cutie. Scootaloo and her friends, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle form the Cutie Mark Crusaders, a club/"secret society" devoted to helping ponies earn their cutie marks. She is a talented scooter driver.
              Scootaloo Search other comics with this keyword

            • Sweetie Belle is a school-age unicorn pony and Rarity's younger sister. She makes her first major appearance in the episode Call of the Cutie. Sweetie Belle and her friends, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, form the Cutie Mark Crusaders, a club/"secret society" devoted to helping ponies earn their cutie marks.
              Sweetie Belle Search other comics with this keyword
  • Theme
  • Universe
