Adapting To Night

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.

Other comics by

Super Surprise

Other comics by


Other comics by

Rated R Ponystar

Adapting To Night

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Super Surprise's description (Translator)

tabun Super Surprise is a russian artist.

Dark Room Collaboration's description (Translator)

DA Dark Room Collaboration is a russian group of artists.
You can follow them via their Tb Tumblr or their Twitter Twitter account

Gray's description (Artist)

DA Gray is a US artist.
You can also check his Tb Tumblr blog.

Shuji Wakahisa's description (Artist)

Patrikon's description (Translator)

DA Patrikon is a Russian translator.
You can find him on tabun Tabun or vk vk.

Rated R Ponystar's description (Story)

DA Rated Ponystar is a US writer.
You can support him on his Patreon Patreon page and explore his FF FimFiction profile.

Comic description

This is a story about vampires and some DJ Pon3 revenge.

I have the permission from the author.



