Ask the Student Six - Asks 21 - 30

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.

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  • Ask #21
  • Ask #22
    Ocellus: I’m really sorry Smolder!

    Smolder: *huffs*

    Gallus: Wow Smolder. You look like someone dumped you into a coal-pit beakfirst

    Yona: Dragon all dusty!

    Sandbar: You should probably get cleaned up before Professor Rarity freaks out over the footprints you’re leaving

    Silverstream: Omigosh we forgot to chat after the last post! How did we forget something like that? I guessthismeansweneedtotalktwiceasmuchforthismessageinordertomakeupfor…
  • Ask #23
    Ocellus: There isn’t that much!

    Sandbar: It’s not as bad for you guys

    Gallus: What is that supposed to mean?

    Silverstream: Oh! I know! It’s because you need to use your mouths, isn’t it?

    Yona: Rubber tastes disgusting! Yak not amused.

    Smolder: Yuck.
  • Ask #24
    Gallus: No

    Silverstream: Aww. Why not?

    Smolder: Don’t mind him. He’s just grumpy because he looks like a freaked out cat once he gets a bucket of water poured on him.

    Yona: Yona not sure about this

    Sandbar: Aww come on Yona! it’ll be fun!

    Ocellus: Yeah! Although… I can only swim well in a seapony form *grins sheepishly*
  • Ask #25
    Gallus: Just…. Stop it Silverstream. There’s only so loud you can go

    Ocellus: I’vegottogo

    Smolder: Really? Why is everyone interested in this romance junk

    Yona: Yona not interested. Yaks have to do great spiritual rite to pick right gentleyak

    Sandbar: Does it involve smashing?

    Silverstream: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  • Ask #26
    Smolder: How much air do you think he has?

    Yona: Pony said he has Enough

    Ocellus: He looks like he’s turning a bit blue

    Gallus: You make it sound like a bad thing

    Sandbar: Glub glub glub *Breaks surface*

    Silverstream: Uh… Guys. I think Sandbar wants to get out now. He did this weird crazy dance in the water before Kurtle lifted him up here.
  • Ask #27
    Ocellus: That was mean! Gallus!

    Sandbar: Yeah, not cool mate.

    Gallus: Quit your whining. It comes off easily enough

    Yona: Pony’s face went red as a Yakyakistani melon

    Smolder: Melons grow in Yakyakistan? Isn’t it too cold

    Yona: Not for Yakyakistani melon. Yakyakistani Melon is tough!

    Gallus: Until you smash it, right?

    Silverstream: Hey guys! We hit another milestone! 200 followers!

    Smolder: I’m sure 190 of them are just your family, Silver.
  • Ask #28
    Gallus: *snerk*

    Smolder: S-shut up!

    Ocellus: It’s alright Smolder! We like Professor Fluttershy’s lessons too

    Yona: Hard not to find yellow pony nice

    Silverstream: And they’re all so cute! Especially when they scare Ocellus

    Ocellus: H-hey!
  • Ask #29
    Sandbar: Haha

    Yona: No. Really. What’s so funny

    Silverstream: Oh Yona! You’re so wacky!

    Ocellus: Thats very diplomatic of you, Silver

    Gallus: Give them credit. At least they both tried. We’re no better with our homes, “Dragon Land”, right Smolder?

    Smolder: What? it does what it says on the tin.
  • Ask #30
    Ocellus: Where did you get this?!?!?!

    Gallus: *snickers* not telling!

    Smolder: D’aww look at the ickle changeling. So threatening

    Ocellus: *grumbles and blushes*

    Yona: Waggy waggy

    Sandbar: Look at that ear twitch

    Silverstream: *hyperventilates*