Ask the Student Six - Asks 41 - 50

I'm not the author of all of those comics. I get no money from the website.
I'm not the author of all of those comics.
I get no money from the site.

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  • Ask #41
    Sandbar: How many times did she make you write it out?

    Silverstream: A hundred times! I have clawcramp!

    Yona: What she make Hippogriff write out?

    Ocellus: “Kite flying is not silly”, apparently.

    Gallus: Wait, so she didn’t comment on the crazy bit?

    Smolder: Let’s not poke the Weapon of Mass Disintegration with a stick, shall we Gallus?
  • Ask #42
    Yona: Why Yona smell of bakery?

    Sandbar: I can’t even

    Ocellus: This isn’t even documented anywhere? Can Yaks turn into pastries?

    Silverstream: *Drools*

    Gallus: Poison joke?

    Smolder: Poison joke.

    Gallus: Nice
  • Ask #43
    Silverstream: Boop me! Boop me!

    Ocellus: Booping is funny *giggles*

    Smolder: Boop me and I bite you

    Yona: What is booping?

    Sandbar: This *boops*

    Gallus: Dear Merciful Ursa, kill me now
  • Ask #44
    Gallus: And she’d go “Howdy!” with every skip!

    Smolder: Stop it! You’re killing me!

    Yona: Howdy Howdy Howdy Howdy

    Sandbar: *snerks* Stop it! She’ll hear you!

    Silverstream: Ocellus! Do a Howdy!

    Ocellus: *shapeshifts into Applejack* Howdy Howdy!

    Pinkie Pie: What in tarnation is going on back there??
  • Ask #45

    Smolder: Why do you keep HAVING them to begin with?

    Gallus: Wiggle wiggle wiggle

    Sandbar: Dude. Eyes up.

    Silverstream: Omigosh Ocellus! We can dance together!

    Yona: Why Ponyfish dance so weirdly? No stomping!
  • Ask #46
    Yona: What Hippogriff doing?

    Gallus: She’s preening,

    Smolder: Dragons don’t need to preen. We’re automatically perfect

    Ocellus: I don’t need to preen either!

    Sandbar: Well… neither do i? Does that make us perfect too?

    Silverstream: Nom Nom nom
  • Ask #47
    Gallus: OW! YOU JABBED ME!

    Yona: Now you know how ball feels

    Smolder: *chortles* I guess if you mess with Yaks, you get the horns too

    Sandbar: Remind me never to mess with Yona

    Ocellus: How long was he practicing that shot for?

    Silverstream: He’s been there for a few hours doing that then another hour waiting for Yona to come along.
  • Ask #48
    Ocellus: Awww that’s beautiful!

    Silverstream: Rockbert really likes you!

    Yona: Yona approve of relationship.

    Sandbar: I think you’re taking this all too far

    Smolder: So, you wrote it didn’t you?

    Gallus: What? Noooo. What gave you that idea?

    Smolder: The idiotic smirk all over your face

    Gallus: *snerks*
  • Ask #49
    Gallus: We should really take that statue away from her…

    Smolder: Do you really want to take the toy away from the horned Yak? Didn’t you only JUST get stabbed by her?

    Silverstream: Oh calm down Smoldy. She was just POKING fun at his expense

    Sandbar: That was bad and you should feel bad.

    Ocellus: Ex-YAK-tly

    Yona: Yona doesn’t understand you all…
  • Ask #50
    Gallus: SANDBAR NO!

    Silverstream: SANDBAR YES!!

    Smolder: Kill me. Please.

    Yona: Hey! Yona would like a cup of Moo-long tea!

    Sandbar: Coming right up!

    Ocellus: *gigglesnort*